2 Effective Ways in NV to Help Prevent Genocide From Happening

by | May 12, 2021 | Education

Are you tired and frustrated about the horrific events that are happening across the globe? Have you been closely following the updates regarding the people around the world being oppressed and hated because of their differences. Are you sorrowful by all the violence and are wanting to help prevent genocide from happening? If so, here are two ways you can.

Advocate and Speak Out

One effective way to help prevent genocide from happening to minorities is to advocate by speaking out against those who are inflicting violence. You can become an advocate by hosting gatherings and events to provide awareness so others can join you to speak out against these types of atrocities. Bringing awareness to the issue at hand, and pointing out how they are wrong will inspire those around you to speak out against them too.

Support a Foundation

Another effective way to help prevent genocide from happening is to support a foundation that has been created in memory of those who have suffered the same types of cruel and wicked acts. Supporting a foundation, like a Holocaust foundation, will help you gain knowledge and experience to further your campaign against violence and genocide.

Non-Profit Foundation

Perhaps you have been hosting events to bring awareness and are now searching for a genocide prevention foundation to support. Visit zachorfoundation.org. They are a non-profit foundation that has been founded by a Holocaust survivor. So, when searching for a genocide prevention foundation to support to help fight against violence, they are the ones to visit. Visit them online at  https://www.zachorfoundation.org today.

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