If you are thinking about going to college in the near future, then there is a good chance that you have been considering whether or not to get an arts education degree. The benefits of this degree are numerous and can be applied to many industries outside of just art. This blog post will discuss 3 reasons why it might be worth your time and energy to invest in a master’s in art education!
You’ll Learn How to Think Critically and Creatively
The arts education degree will teach you how to use a variety of art-related media, from painting and drawing to sculpture and pottery. The more creative skills that an artist has, the broader their potential as they can be applied in a number of fields where creativity is needed!
You’ll Have a Wide Variety of Career Options Available to You After Graduation
After graduating with an arts education degree, students will be able to work in jobs such as art teacher and museum curator. Many people are unaware that careers like these even exist!
You Can Work for Yourself or Find Employment at an Arts Organization, Museum, Theater Company, or Other Cultural Institution
One of the most exciting opportunities for an artist is being able to work in the field they love. You can choose whether you want your job to be a full-time career, part-time gig, or have it as an additional income stream!
Arts education degrees are often filled with hands-on learning that will make students excited about applying their knowledge and skills in real-world environments.
If you’re interested in pursuing a masters in arts education visit School of the Art Institute of Chicago at www.saic.edu.