Educators in America are at a crossroads. They are struggling to close the gap in student learning after many students were sent home for remote learning for an extended period of time. They’re scrambling to catch up and prepare their classes for the future. However, they are faced with a serious challenge. Children are struggling at this time with how to deal with their feelings, interactions with others, stress, and anxiety. They don’t know how to handle it effectively. The end result is acting out in class, getting frustrated, shutting down, or feeling lost. Social emotional learning needs to be a priority. Many schools don’t know where to begin.
This is the time to bring in the experts who have developed social emotional learning programs that are ready to be implemented in the classroom. Teachers will have resources at their fingertips with materials that are ready to use. Manuals will explain what to use when with daily activities that will help students to improve their outlook at school. A program developed by professionals that is used consistently on a school-wide level can have a positive impact that will last for years to come. Children will learn valuable tools they can use to feel better about themselves, communicate more effectively, and learn about appropriate reactions when they are struggling with a situation. While schools focus on academics, they need to realize students can’t learn until they are socially and emotionally stable. Learn more about how a program that focuses on social and emotional learning can help your students when you visit EmpowerU.