If you are considering becoming a nurse, you have several options. You can certainly choose to be an LPN, which is the right choice for many people. Your other options is to become an RN by getting an ADN or BSN. An ADN would mean that you have an Associate’s Degree in nursing and a BSN is a Bachelor’s Degree in nursing. There are two main differences in these programs. With a BSN, you will be going to school for approximately 4-5 years but you can typically expect a higher salary. With an ADN nursing program, however, it will only take 2-3 years and you will be able to get that much needed on the job experience. Many people will find that an ADN nursing program is right for them over a BSN or LPN and here’s why:
Generally, an LPN program is a program that will give you practical lessons on nursing but not the details behind the lessons. With an LPN certificate, you will not be considered a registered nurse and the job market is definitely dwindling. Many LPN’s are passed over when it comes to jobs because they are competing with ADN’s and other’s with nursing degrees. Though some people will find that LPN programs perfectly meet their needs, if you ever want to advance your education, be paid more and have more opportunities, you will certainly want to choose the ADN route.
You can also choose to enter into BSN programs. When comparing an ADN to a BSN, you will find that for many people, the advantages of an ADN will outweigh the BSN. For example, it will be a lot less expensive to go through an ADN program than a BSN program. On top of that, you will find that you can complete the ADN in much less time. This will get you out in the field and making money quite quickly. You will, of course, also find that you can easily get that real world experience that is so highly prized in this field. Finally, the ADN program at many schools is ideal because you can have a better advantage to get into a BSN program which is extremely competitive. If you are looking into nursing programs, make sure that you consider the ADN program before other options.