It can be frustrating to find out that your child has a mental or physical disability that makes it impossible for them to be in a regular class. However, special education can greatly benefit your child. There are several reasons you should enroll your child in one...
3 Career Paths for Those Who Graduate with a Master of Architecture Degree
A Master of Architecture degree program usually includes the study of a range of topics, such as architectural history, building physics, and sustainable building. These are 2-year programs that can improve your job prospects in many ways. After earning a master's...
The Top Benefits You Can Reap From Going to a Sound Design School
Do you want to go into the field of audio engineering? If the answer to that question is yes, then you should consider going to a sound design school. There are several reasons that you should go to an audio engineering school. Hands-on Experience You may already know...
Finding a School That Provides Autism in St. Louis, MO
Children on the autism spectrum often struggle a great deal with peer relationships. They may not understand how to relate in social interactions compared to children who do not have autism. This can be extremely frustrating, leading to low self-esteem. Students with...
A Master’s Degree in Historic Preservation Gives Public Historians an Edge
If you are searching for a creative, diverse, and historical environment to work on a master's degree in historic preservation, look no further than the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. As one of the most historically significant accredited art and design...