Pre School in Chevy Chase – Why a Child Should go to Pre-School

by | Oct 4, 2012 | Education

Parents are often confused about their child’s education. According to certain pre schools, parents pressurize teachers to get children perfected with alphabets and numbers at pre-school level. However, pre-schools are not meant for learning alphabets and numerals. These are fundamental concepts which are taught in kindergarten or first grade level. Pre-schools are meant for a different purpose.

Right foundation in the formative years
A child is not born with completely developed brain functions. While the actual organ is developed at birth, the nerve connections are formed during the first five years of a child’s life. It is during this time that the seat of IQ and various other skills are hardwired in the brain. So, a child who is exposed to the right kind of learning environment in the first five years experiences better intelligence and skills later in life. Pre schools are meant to create the most conducive atmosphere for learning so that the child is oriented towards knowledge and can develop the skills required after he enters a school.

What do children learn in pre schools?
In Chevy Chase, a pre school is a sort of preparatory stage for a child before he or she can enter a real school. The activities and education planned out in pre schools are aimed at cognitive development of the child. The concepts which are ingrained into a child at this stage include these aspects.

*     Comprehension and linguistic skills
*     Listening skills
*     Problem solving skills
*     Ability to translate mental images into language and vice versa
*     Creativity and innovative thought process
*     Self-management skills
*     The right attitude
*     Sharing, cooperation and tolerance

In addition, children also learn to respect others and understand their place in a group. They are also better at assessing situations and acting accordingly. A child who undergoes pre school education is better equipped to face the challenges of school. Also, since he is exposed to groups of children from an early stage, he develops better communication skills, is better at socializing and is more secure and confident in a group.

The first five years of a child’s life are spent in discovery – about self and about everything around him. In a pre school, a child learns to explore and try to figure out answers for himself. He is also not scared to ask teachers and parents about things that he does not comprehend. According to teachers of kindergartens in Chevy Chase, children who come through pre schools are easier to talk to and teach because they understand concepts easily. They do well in class and are more independent about their chores.

The significance of pre schools in the present day cannot be refuted. However, parents need to do their homework and choose a school which can lay the right foundation for their child’s bright future. The right pre school makes all the difference in a child’s life.



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