If you’re heading off to college soon, you probably have a lot of things on your mind. First off, you’ll miss your old friends, and you’ll have to get used to doing more things for yourself. You’ve decided where to go and have gotten all the finances in order, but now you have to figure out where to live. Staying on campus can have some advantages, but getting a student apartment in Montreal may be the better option for you. Considering all the reasons to live off campus could help you make a decision.
Fewer Restrictions
Dormitory living means that you have to live by the dorm’s rules. These rules can include how late you can be out, how many visitors you can have, opposite sex visitor rules and room inspections. You may be required to see your Resident Advisor and have other restrictions placed on you. This works well for some students who need more structure, but many people don’t like all those rules. When you have your own space, you will still have a few rules that are stated in the lease agreement, but they may be more lax. You’ll be able to have visitors that are allowed to sleep over and won’t be bothered by inspections.
One of the biggest problems students have with dorms is that they have little to no privacy. You never have a moment to yourself, because you live with two to three other people. Plus, you won’t have privacy in the restroom and shower area and will have to carry around your toiletries as necessary. If you’re used to having your own room, then a student apartment in Montreal may be the best choice. Otherwise, you may find you can’t cope with the new accommodations and may hate your college experience.
In a dormitory, your room and board usually include utilities, laundry services, food and other amenities, depending on the school and area. However, when you consider apartments off campus, you are required to pay for everything yourself. That means that you’ll pay rent, utilities, food bills, laundromat services and everything else. However, even with all the added bills, it can still cost less to live off campus, though you will need to plan your finances out accordingly to ensure you can afford it.
Apartments do offer many advantages, but they can cause a few problems. For example, you’ll need to get to school and won’t be within walking distance. You may also miss out on some of the social aspects of college.
A student apartment in Montreal could be the best choice for you. Visit La Marq at http://www.lamarq.ca/apartments-for-rent today to learn more about their options.