The Most Common PSAT Test Prep Options

by | May 9, 2014 | Education

9019183_lWhen you apply to college there are several factors that the college admission officers look for; your grade point average, your talents and qualities and your PSAT scores. The Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT) is an exam consisting of three different sections; writing skills, critical reading and math. The exam is only offered once each year and it is typically taken during your sophomore or junior year of high school. The higher your score is, the better it looks on your college application, so it is important to take the necessary psat test prep steps.

There are several ways to study and prepare for the test. Some of the most common psat test prep resources include books and software. The books are typically used by students who are highly motivated to read the book and take the practice tests that are often included in the book. Software programs are typically inexpensive and convenient for those who are limited with their study time. The primary problem with psat prep books and software is that they both require a commitment to studying and the have to complete the prep on their own. Individual PSAT tutoring is one of the most beneficial resources when studying for college admission tests.

A tutor will be able to help you focus on the areas you are struggling with as well as provide encouragement on how to take the test successfully. Tutors can work with you one on one, which means you will have feedback along the way. In some situations, a group tutoring session is also beneficial, because the students can provide tips and input on each others progress. Some high schools have teachers that offer tutoring and study sessions for students preparing for the PSAT. While studying and preparing for the PSAT test, it is often beneficial to take the practice tests that are available online. An online practice is typically designed to mimic the actual test, which will prepare you on what to expect in terms of the types of questions. Taking the practice test will also help you have a better understanding of which areas you need to focus your studying on.

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